Freelancer’s Guide Book Featured on Kickstarter

By Maryann Yin 

Monika Kanokova hopes to raise $9,230.00 on Kickstarter for a book called My Creative (Side) Business: A Guide for Freelancers. It features interviews with several entrepreneurs. We’ve embedded a video about the project above.

Here’s more from the Kickstarter page: “It’s possible to build a creative business with multiple income streams, whether it’s writing, illustration, graphic design, consulting or photography. You’ve come to the right place if you want inspiration for how you could invest your time to build a creative business in a smart way.”

Welcome to our Kickstarter Publishing Project of the Week, a feature exploring how authors and publishers are using the fundraising site to raise money for book projects. If you want to start your own project, check out How To Use Kickstarter to Fund Your Publishing Project.