Former Collins President Switches to Blogging

By Jason Boog 

huffpologo.jpgSteve Ross, the former president of president of HarperCollins’ now shuttered Collins Division, has found a new calling as a regular blogger at The Huffington Post. It’s been a literary week at HuffPo–Arianna Huffington just announced that she will lead a book club and launch a books section on her popular website.

Ross earned his creative writing MFA at New York University, and tested his writing chops with a piece of black comedy. Out of all the topics this award-winning editor and publisher could choose for his first post, Ross wrote about fashion. His satirical piece looks at New York City’s Fashion Week during a recession that has hobbled every industry, from fashion to publishing.

Here’s on fantastical riff from his inaugural post: “In keeping with the theme of this season’s [Fasihon] Expo — ‘Donations: Past and Present’ — the audience of fashionistas and former financiers paid tribute to this year’s movers and shakers in Downturn Fashion. Anna Wintour, her sunglasses dangling a Duane Reade price tag, welcomed Ben Bernanke, who brandished a bandolier of bailout funds strewn in an X across his hirsute chest.”