Fishbowlers Make the Party Scene in NY, DC

By Neal 

mblogo.jpgGalleyCat isn’t the only blog bringing you news from the book world. Our Fishbowl correspondents have also been coming up with some good stories—over at FishbowlDC, for example, Patrick W. Gavin has pics from the pundit-packed party for John Dickerson’s On Her Trail. And our editorial director, Dorian Benkoil, filed a report for FishbowlNY on the FT/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year award dinner, where he happened to be lucky enough to be sitting at the table with James Kynge, who won the prize for China Shakes the World. Dorian tells us he was able to get his book signed, although tablemate Webster Younce, the Houghton Mifflin editor who acquired Kynge’s book, declined to add his signature to the page, declaring that “editors should be heard but not seen.”