Eric Carle Museum To Feature Art from His New Book

By Jason Boog 

The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art will open a new exhibition dedicated to artwork from the famous children’s book author’s next book, Friends.

The book comes out on November 19th, but the exhibit opens September 17 and runs through March 24, 2014. Check it out:

Illustrated with his signature colorful, tissue-paper collages, Friends tells a story about perseverance, love, and childhood friendship. When a little boy’s best friend moves away, the boy braves harsh weather, tall mountains, and long distances to reunite with her … The exhibition features the finished art from the book with numerous pieces taking on an abstract quality that evokes a mood or moment of utmost importance. Carle did an initial version where the theme was marriage rather than friendship, and he reworked it to keep the story in a more child-like context. As well, preliminary drawings and mock-ups of the book will articulate the rigorous process the artist goes through to arrive at his final vision.