Dr. Seuss Versus H.P. Lovecraft

By Jason Boog 

What if Dr. Seuss had adapted H.P. Lovecraft‘s horrific masterpiece, The Call of Cthulhu? As you can see by the pages embedded above, artist DrFaustusAU has undertaken the task of creating a Seuss-ian version of the novel.

Follow this link to read all the sample pages. Below, we’ve embedded another compelling page.

Here’s more from the artist: “More Call of Cthulhu pages will be up shortly. I have returned to my mild-mannered day job this week, so I have had to momentarily turn my attention to a classroom full of screaming teenagers. Lovecraft fans truly are some of the best people in the world, and your encouragement has been awesome – so as I say, the adaptation will definitely continue.” (Via io9)