Do Men Read Books Written By Females?: INFOGRAPHIC

By Maryann Yin 

goodreads_icon_200x200_febDo men read books written by female authors?

To answer this question, the Goodreads team examined the reading habits of 40,000 active members (20,000 men and 20,000 women). From there, the collected data was used to create an infographic called “Sex and Reading: A Look at Who’s Reading Whom.”

Here’s more from the Goodreads Blog: “This year the #readwomen movement inspired us to take a closer look at where readers fall along gender lines. There’s a lot of well-documented press about the fact that women’s books tend to have ‘girly’ covers instead of gender-neutral ones, and the VIDA count shows us that traditional book reviewers are predominantly male and books being reviewed in ‘top tier’ publications are mostly by men.” We’ve embedded the entire graphic after the jump for you to explore further.
