Digital Publishing Executives Share Discoverability Advice for Writers

By Jason Boog 

At the Publishing App Expo yesterday, two digital publishing executives shared advice for helping readers find your digital books in a sea of digital content.

Disney Publishing Worldwide digital media VP Lyle Underkoffler and Barnes & Noble NOOK apps program director Claudia Romanini both offered frank advice for writers looking to join these crowded marketplaces.

Below, we’ve collected their most important points that can help publishers and authors make sure their digital writings don’t get lost in this new landscape.

Discoverability Tips from Publishing Executives

1. Make sure you publish in the correct category. Know who the target audience is for your app.  (Romanini)

2. Create a centralized page on the Internet for the app with links to buy your apps and detailed descriptions of the apps. (Underkoffler)

3. Go to Nook counter in store, see how the booksellers describe apps to first time Nook customers. Use that to customize your app description. (Romanini)

4. On your website, add links to buy. In your app description (in app stores and your blog) explain the outcomes of the app: is it educational? is it fun? Tell people what they will experience when they buy your app. (Underkoffler)

5. Just because it was published months ago, people are still buying. Keep promoting your app–it is a long-term investment as millions of new tablet users join the market every year. (Romanini)