Dead Butterflies Diary & Hunter’s Sister: Coming Attractions

By Maryann Yin 

Here are some handpicked titles from our Coming Attractions page. Want to include your book? Just read our Share Your New Book with GalleyCat Readers post for all the details.

The Hunter’s Sister by Jacqueline Turner Banks: “Fox is one of the oldest beings on Earth; he’s as beautiful as he is deadly. He knows what her lavender scent means, but he chooses to ignore it. She’s his student, his obsession, and she holds the key to unlocking his tormented soul. They know their love isn’t allowed, but they can’t let go.” (April 2013)

Times of Turmoil by Cliff Ball: “We see important events that the Evans family gets themselves involved in: such as the return of the Israelites to Israel, the assassination of President Kennedy, the terrorism of 9/11, and eventually events that lead to government tyranny in the United States with the sole purpose of destroying Christianity and its influence in the United States.” (July 2013)

The Dead Butterflies Diary by Sandy Baker: “Betsy finds the bodies–of the dead butterflies. Heartbroken, she grabs her magnifying glass and camera and launches an investigation to figure out who or what killed her favorite insect. Classmates taunt her when she vows to plant a garden to bring back the butterflies. Betsy writes and draws every day in her diary as she works to solve the mystery.” (August 2013)