Chuck Klosterman Named NYT Magzine’s New Ethicist

By Dianna Dilworth 

Chuck Klosterman, author of Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa PuffsEating the Dinosaur; and The Visible Man, is joining The New York Times Magazine as its new ethicist.

The Atlantic Wire broke the news yesterday after noticing a tweet from New York Times Magazine editor Hugo Lindgren. Klosterman then told The Atlantic Wire: “This is a job I’ve wanted for 10 years. I don’t claim to be more ethical than anyone else, or even more ethical than the average person. But I love thinking about these types of problems, and I’ll try to be interesting. We’ll see what happens.”

Lindgren wrote on The NY Times blog: “As for his ethical qualifications, anyone who has read Chuck’s work knows him as a writer who likes to confront, with great humor and wisdom, all manner of thorny questions and complicated characters — and who isn’t afraid of expressing his opinions about how things are and How They Should Be. Chuck wrote an exceptional series of tryout columns and expressed his desire for the job with a singular intensity. We expect his columns to be thoughtful, engaging, witty and, yes, helpful.”