Choose the Right TV Show: ScriptFrenzy Tip #13

By Jason Boog 

To help all the television screenwriters in the audience, A TV Calling posted a useful list rating current dramas–helping script writers pick the right show to write as a spec script.

Here’s more from the site: “– Over-specced (shows that have passed their prime, try to avoid doing them); Mainstream (shows that have matured enough that they have become on-the-nose speccers — and a lot of people are speccing them); Wild Cards (soon, everyone will spec those, maybe you can get a head start); Outsiders (specs that will get you out from the pack); Gamblers (newcomers that could potentially become popular down the line — if they’re not canned first).” Photo via Videocrab)

To help all the aspiring screenwriters, comic book writers, and playwrights participating in the Script Frenzy writing marathon, we will feature a new script writing tool or tip every day this month. Read all the advice at this link.