Charles Bukowski Manuscripts Online

By Jason Boog 

If you love the work of the poet and author Charles Bukowski, you can explore a vast archive of poem and letter manuscripts by the prolific author at

What’s your favorite book or poem by Bukowski? On Reddit, a number of readers shared their favorite memories of reading the late author. One reader shared this story:

Many years ago, I was a young college student deeply in love for the first time. My beloved and I were living together in the state of bliss that’s unique to besotted young lovers. She was taking a poetry class and was opening her mind to the subject. One Saturday morning, she walked to a local bookstore and spoke with the proprietor. She described our situation and asked for a recommendation on a book of poems we could share together. The bookseller recommended Love is a Dog From Hell by Charles Bukowski, an author with whom my beloved was completely unfamiliar. I will always be grateful to that bookseller. Sadly, my then-partner and I parted ways not to long after, but I still have a shelf full of Bukowski.