Cartoon Shows ‘How The Dark Knight Rises Should Have Ended’

By Jason Boog 

Were you surprised or disappointed with the ending of The Dark Knight Rises?

In the spoiler-filled video embedded above, the How It Should Have Ended (HISHE) animated show provided a long list of hilarious endings to the blockbuster comic book adaptation. Follow this link to watch an alternative ending to The Dark Knight too. What’s your favorite ending?

Here’s more from creator Daniel Baxter: “I am very proud of this one. Several reasons. Otis’ backgrounds are top notch and it makes my character art look so legit. The music is awesome, which Bryan made way more tracks than he usually does for a single HISHE so that puts this one way over the scale musically. We also have two new voice actors on this one. From the internet’s Creature Hub two of the members, Dan Gidlow and Max Gonzalez who we met at Comic Con, gave us their performances.”