50,000+ Downloads of Jon Krakauer Essay

By Jason Boog 

The new long form nonfiction site Byliner has counted more than 50,000 free downloads of Jon Krakauer‘s scathing expose about the work of Greg Mortenson.

Following a 60 Minutes report questioning the veracity of Mortenson’s memoirs, Viking will review his work. Upcoming issues of Byliner will feature work by William Vollmann and Anthony Swofford.

Here’s more about the Byliner essay: “Mortenson has built a global reputation as a selfless humanitarian and children’s crusader, and he’s been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is also not what he appears to be. As acclaimed author Jon Krakauer discovered, Mortenson has not only fabricated substantial parts of his bestselling books Three Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools, but has also misused millions of dollars donated by unsuspecting admirers like Krakauer himself. This is the tragic tale of good intentions gone very wrong.”