Bowker Counted 391,000+ Self-Published Books Last Year

By Jason Boog 

bookAnalyzing its ISBN data, Bowker counted more than 391,000 self-published titles in 2012–a 59 percent increase compared to the year before. The complete report will be available at the Self Published Author site next week.

Measured against self-publishing figures from 2007, that is  a staggering 422 percent increase. Out of all the ISBNs counted in 2012, 40 percent were self-published books. Back in 2007, only 11 percent of ISBNs were for self-published books. Here’s more from the release:

The analysis shows the growing prominence of a handful of companies that offer publishing services to individual authors. More than 80 percent of self-published titles came to market with support from just eight companies, including Smashwords and CreateSpace. Bowker’s research on self-publishing includes surveys of authors that provide insight into where the market is going and services required by these writers. Those who intend to self-publish most often plan to bring fiction to market, followed by inspirational or spiritual works, books for children and biographies.

(Image via Horia Varlan)