Bookstores Raise $48,000 for the Foundation for Free Expression

By Maryann Yin 

freadomgiftcard.jpgMore than 70 bookstores in 25 states have banned together to support the Freadom gift card project. In the past four years, the stores have collectively raised almost $48,000.

The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) created the gift cards as a fundraiser. Each participating store received a supply of Freadom cards.

Ten percent of each purchase made on the cards is donated to the ABFFE. The organization’s president, Chris Finan explained: “Fundraising ideas are a dime a dozen, but this one really worked thanks to the strong support of booksellers. We are very grateful to those 74 stores.”

The ABFFE was formed in 1990. They regularly participate in litigation battles involving censorship in books.