BookRiot Issues ‘2016 Read Harder’ Challenge

By Dianna Dilworth 

What resolutions will you be making for the new year? The Book Riot team has issued the “2016 Read Harder Challenge.”

Bibliophiles are tasked with completing a series of 24 different tasks such as reading a horror book, reading a book that is set in the Middle East, reading a nonfiction book about feminism and reading a book that has been adapted into a movie and deciding which is better. Participants can discuss their progress by sharing the #ReadHarder hashtag on social media and joining the “Read Harder Challenge” Goodreads group.

Here’s more about the challenge:

We encourage you to push yourself, to take advantage of this challenge as a way to explore topics or formats or genres that you otherwise wouldn’t try. But this isn’t a test. No one is keeping score and there are no points to post. We like books because they allow us to see the world from a new perspective, and sometimes we all need help to even know which perspectives to try out. That’s what this is – a perspective shift – but one for which you’ll only be accountable to yourself.