Body Language Cheat Sheet

By Jason Boog 

Is your writing filled with clichéd emotional descriptions?

Author Carolyn Kaufman wrote The Writer’s Guide to Psychology, exploring the ways psychological insight can help you improve your story. At her site, you can download a free copy of the Body Language Cheat Sheet for Writers (PDF link)–it is packed with alternative ways to describe your character’s emotions. 

Here are signs of anger, from the cheat sheet: “Thanks to autonomic nervous system  arousal, the heart rate increases, pupils dilate,  and the face may flush. Other signs of anger: Balling the fists. Crossing the arms tightly. Clenching the fists once arms are crossed. Tight-lipped smile. ƒClenched teeth. Shaking a finger like a club. Stabbing a finger at someone.” (link via)