BEA 2009: Bloggers Speak Out

By Jason Boog 

bealogo.jpgFrom sea to shining sea, the biggest publishing headlines are all about BEA this morning.
Publishers Weekly
rounded up newspaper coverage of the event–from NY Times to LA Times. A crowd of online commentators weighed in as well, including GalleyCat.

Book Club Girl pondered her panel discussion about literary blogs. LitKicks left the convention energized: “Is the book biz in trouble? I just don’t think so, based on the enthusiasm I’ve spent the last three days soaking in.”

Yen Cheong collected nuggets of hope from different publishing panels. Edward Champion got positive. Publisher Dennis Johnson posed the toughest question of all: “BEA is over…for good?” In the comments section, add links to your coverage for a future round-up post.