Author Photo Confidential

By Jason Boog 

inman_bw_nolights(hi-res).jpgIn at least one major magazine, an author’s fortunes can rise and fall on the strength of an author photo.

NPR’s Morning Edition studied the evolving art of the author photo this morning, looking at a David Foster Wallace book jacket shoot and pondering how glossy magazines have changed the book industry. The short feature interviewed Alfred A. Knopf publicity director Nicholas Latimer, Bookslut blogger Jessa Crispin, and Inman Majors (pictured).

Latimer had a surprising tidbit gleaned from a Publishers Publicity Association luncheon: “[People Magazine editors] have actually gone on record saying in a group of publicists: ‘If you have an attractive looking author, there’s a better chance that your book will be reviewed.'” (Via Rebecca Skloot)