Are eBooks Coming to Airplane Screens?

By Jason Boog 

airplaneseats.jpgOver at our newly redesigned eBookNewser blog, our editor noticed that Virgin America will soon activate a “Read” button on the in-flight personal televisions.

Dianna Dilworth speculated: “It could be a great place for publishers to market their books and give away sample chapters. I like to catch up on new music videos on Virgin’s entertainment system, so why not read a couple of chapters from a few new bestsellers to decide which ones I might actually like to buy and read.”

What do you think? Our Facebook users loved the idea. Robyn Andrews wrote: “hecks yeah! i would read it on a plane, i would read it on a train. yes i would read it on a seat. while even eating luncheon meat” and Geraldine Evans added: “As long as I could choose the book. Better than their crummy films.”