Apple Store Replacing Starbucksas Writers’ Grazing Spot?

By Neal 

mblogo.jpgWhen our colleagues at FishbowlNY forwarded us a press release yesterday about a model who wrote her memoir at the Apple Store, my first reaction was that it was an update of Harlan Ellison’s old gimmick of cranking out short stories from a bookstore’s display window. But no—turns out that Isobella Jadeco (below) just claims she wrote the entire book “while standing in heels infront of an Imac 17inch computer [sic]” in Soho’s Apple Store because she’s living out of her suitcase and doesn’t have an Internet connection, let alone a computer. And yet she managed to scrape together an elaborate online portfolio and a MySpace page, where she’s announced readings of the unpublished Almost 5’4″ at Apple stores in Los Angeles and San Francisco later in July. My first reaction: “Where’s she been saving the document all this time?”
