AP Comes Late to the Pessl Party

By Neal 

Jed Rubenfeld isn’t the only author the Associated Press has taken its own sweet time getting around to covering. Another story went out over the wire yesterday afternoon profiling Marisha Pessl two months after everybody else had dealt with her—and once again depicting the young writer with the sort of hazy, glowing adulation that Sarah predicted way back when. The funny thing is, for all Mark Kennedy’s claims that Pessl’s “very easy to hate,” what with being young and “book hot” and critically acclaimed, he never bothers to offer up any evidence that anybody hates Pessl beyond a passing acknowledgment that “some have groused that the book is too long and that the second-half thriller seems to come from nowhere.” At least the New York Times tried to fuel the flames a bit in its attempt to imbue Pessl’s otherwise cushy path to publication with some degree of drama.