Andy Rooney Signs Off On 60 Minutes

By Dianna Dilworth 

Andy Rooney did his last piece for 60 Minutes last night, after a 33-year long stretch. Known for being more of a complainer, Rooney took the time to count his blessings in this final address.

The 92 year-old began his end-of-show pieces in 1978. Impressively, Rooney says that he made his living as a writer for 70 years. He wanted to be a writer after an English teacher told him that he had talent. He began his career as a reporter for Stars and Stripes and went on to write for television and radio. He is also the author of 16 books including 60 Years of Wisdom and Wit which was published by PublicAffairs in 2009.

Here is more from the piece (embedded above): “I’ve done a lot of complaining here, but of all the things I’ve complained about, I can’t complain about my life.”