Americans Still Love Libraries

By Jason Boog 

Americans still love libraries. Don’t let anybody change your mind.

To show support for local libraries, CityTownInfo created an infographic showing why libraries are more important than ever in our digital world. We’ve embedded the complete illustration below. Here’s more from the post:

Eighty-one percent of American adults use the Internet and almost as many people agree that free computer and internet access (including Wi-Fi) are very important services that libraries offer. In fact, 62 percent of libraries are the sole provider of computers and Wi-Fi for free in their community. Libraries also offer technology assistance, help with social services applications, tutoring and advice for job-seeking patrons. Over the past decade, public libraries have been increasing in number, but the growth hasn’t kept up with the population. Between 2000 and 2009, public libraries increased by 1.7 percent, but the national population increased by 11.7 percent.