American Bookseller in Paris Describes Living Near Attack Site

By Dianna Dilworth 

Jim Carroll, the owner of San Francisco Book Co., an English-language bookstore in Paris, lives on the same block as Le Carillon, one of the bars attacked in last week’s massacre.

In an email exchange with The San Francisco Chronicle, Carroll detailed his experience. Below is an excerpt:

On Friday night I closed the shop at 9 in the evening and caught the Metro home and got in my door just about 9:15, and almost as soon as I closed the door I heard gunfire…

A few minutes later, I went back down to the street and it was already beginning to fill up with neighbors. Just down the street to the left were the two places, Le Carillon and Le Petit Cambodge, about 50 meters from my building entrance, and there were bodies on the ground and people fleeing up the street toward my place. Right at the same time fire trucks and ambulances were beginning to arrive. I didn’t try to get any nearer to the scene.