Amazon’s Publishing Reputation

By Dianna Dilworth 

What do you think about Amazon’s publishing reputation? In a panel discussion at our Publishing App Expo last week, a writer in the audience asked if the publishing industry looked down on Amazon Kindle authors.

The writer cited an Engadget blog post about Kindle Singles which quipped, “To be considered for Kindle Singles (you know, ‘sell out’), interested parties should contact”

The panelists, who included Debbie Weil, founder/CEO of Voxie Media and Ron Richards, VP of External Relations at Graphicly, and they agreed that publishing through Amazon didn’t carry bad associations.

While Amazon certainly has passionate haters (as well as its avid fans), this blogger does not think that writers looking for new readers should write the book retailer off.

After all, lots of readers buy books through Amazon and it has the majority of market share for eBooks. It’s also a good idea to make your eBooks available in all of the eBook stores, to make sure your it is available wherever readers like to find new books.

What do you think?