Amazon Coy about Stanza Plans

By Jason Boog 

stanzaamazon.jpgGalleyCat followed-up on the surprise news that, Inc. has acquired Lexcycle, the company that created the iPhone reader, Stanza.

The online bookseller now owns the two top Book related applications in the Apple App Store, prompting endless speculation about the future of the e-book. And that speculation will continue, as Amazon has only issued guarded statements.

In an email interview with GalleyCat, spokesperson Cinthia Portugal responded to five questions about format, pricing, and e-book monopoly with this statement: “It’s very early days for ebooks and we believe there is a lot of innovation ahead of us. Lexcycle is a smart, innovative company and we look forward to working with them to innovate on behalf of readers … As a standalone business unit within Amazon, Lexcycle will maintain its business model while continuing to innovate as new opportunities arise. The goal is for the combination of the two company’s strengths to offer great experiences for ebook readers.”