, Inc. May End Affiliate Program in North Carolina

By Jason Boog 

amlogo.gifThis week, Inc. wrote its North Carolina affiliates to explain that if a suggested “click-through” tax passes, the bookselling giant could end the affiliate program in the state–cutting out website owners who earn money by featuring Amazon books on their site.

According to the News Record, the state legislature proposed $784 million in new taxes to meet a budget shortfall, including a “click-through” tax on Internet sales that could earn the state $13.2 million in a single year. If that tax change passes, then the online retailer could end the affiliate program in North Carolina.

Here’s one affiliate story from the state: “For many people, their cut from Amazon is small potatoes, maybe a couple of hundred dollars per year. But [Kayla Fay] is among those who have built a business by way of affiliate marketing. Payments from Amazon and another similar vendor make up the bulk of the $40,000 she clears from her business every year.” (Via Publishers Weekly)