A “Radical Price” for Pubishing

By Jason Boog 

andersonfree.jpgDuring Wired magazine’s Disruptive By Design business conference, our bloggy sibling FishbowlNY caught up with Wired editor-in-chief Chris Anderson–exploring his ideas about the power of free content.

In his new book, “Free: The Future of a Radical Price,” the editor proposes that free content can help create business in 21st Century economy–from publishing to the music industry. Anderson’s radical ideas drew a packed crowd at BEA, and FishbowlNY’s post explored how his ideas work in the print world.

Here’s more from the post: “In his talk this morning, Anderson suggested that instead of looking at content as free versus paid, we should consider it as ‘freemium’ … [He explained:] ‘No one is talking about 100 percent paid [content]. We’re essentially talking about ‘freemium,’ where you use free to convert some minority share to paid…this is not a return to some golden age when all media was paid, we’re just trying to figure out how to make money. You don’t abandon free, you just use free to drive business.'”