A.J. Jacobs Offers Healthy Living Advice

By Maryann Yin 

Stunt nonfiction writer A.J. Jacobs is working on a book tentatively titled The Healthiest Human Being in the World. In the video embedded above, he offered three pieces of healthy advice.

When CNN asked about his process, Jacobs replied: “I changed my diet and my exercise – that’s one of the shocking things is how much I have to do to be the healthiest person alive. I mean my day is packed because you got to do aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise, you got to meditate, you got to go out into nature, because nature is healthier, you got to pet a dog because there are studies that show that helps lower your blood pressure, it’s just never ending.”

Back in December, Jacobs started a new Twitter account specifically for this health project. He explained that its purpose is to “confess my health lapses and you can heckle me. Got to get some accountability.”

Jacobs made a literary resolution to read more fiction because his reading material consisted mostly of health books recently.