A Dog Tries for a Sheepish Grin

By Neal 

YA author Yvonne Collins sent us some photos of her six-year-old schnauzer, Dexter, but as I was following through the links in her email, I caught his cameo appearance in a book trailer promoting Collins’ latest collaboration with Sandy Rideout, The Black Sheep, and I realized we haven’t run a trailer in a while. So let’s start off the work week with a laugh:

“Dexter’s embarrassed us on numerous occasions by barking during important conference calls with agents and editors, and there was that one choking fit,” Collins admits, “but he also keeps me company during long days at the computer. And when writer’s block hits, a walk with Dexter always snaps me out of it. There’s nothing quite like a dog that will only walk west on one street, north on another and south on yet another, to take your mind off your troubles.”