676,900,000 Words in 9 Days

By Jason Boog 

nanowrimo.jpgThe National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) marathon has yielded 676,900,348 words in nine days as writers around the country struggle to compose a 50,000-word novel draft in a single month.

If you need some inspiration, check out our NaNoWriMo toolkit or find a NaNoWriMo homebase. Twitter is crowded with NaNoWriMo scribes, and the tweets come pouring in every minute. Here are a few choice tweets from harried writers as they toil under a massive deadline:

BarelyKnit: “It might be that I’m just not a novelist. Maybe I’m more of an…essayist. Or maybe a rodeo clown.”

shawnaatteberry: “Next year: going to do grocery shopping for the month before #NaNoWriMo starts.”

lauriek: “mechanic son of Italian immigrant parents just became Jewish son of a lawyer and a psychiatrist. he’s still a delinquent, though.”