Novelist Seeks One-Star Amazon Reviews in New Contest

By Jason Boog 

Novelist Brian Allen Carr received a particularly mean-spirited one-star review on Amazon that ended with this spiteful comment: “You basically suck as an author and I hope you never publish a book again!!”

Instead of getting angry, Carr decided to embrace his one-star review status of Short Bus, hosting a contest to reward the reader who can deliver the best one-star review of his novel.

HTMLGiant has all the details: “he’s doing a ‘Lone Star’ contest: write the best 1-star review of the book by the end of February, and he’ll give you all three of his books, including the newest, Edie and the Low-Hung Hands (Small Doggies Press).”

What do you think about his unusual strategy? Share your one-star review in the comments, we will feature our favorites in a future post…

(Link via The Rumpus)