120,000 Reading Books on Android Phones

By Jason Boog 

aldiko_showcasebox_download.jpgSince the application’s September launch, 120,000 users have downloaded the Aldiko eBook reader for Android smartphones. According to the company, the average Aldiko user downloads more than seven books a month.

Ever since Google released Android, an operating system and mobile phone platform, some have speculated that the platform could soon rival the iPhone. To find out about the publishing implications of this new system, GalleyCat interviewed Tiffany Wong, co-founder of the Android e-reader, Aldiko. The company has already partnered with O’Reilly Media, All Romance Ebooks, Feedbooks and Smashwords. (Editor’s note: eBook connoisseur Mike Cane reviews the app’s display).

Wong was “very optimistic” about the future: “The key advantage of Android is that it is not a platform specific to one hardware manufacturer, but one that will be deployed on dozens of products from dozen of companies, which in the long run will drive a lot of volume. At Aldiko, we’ve actually seen a huge surge in app downloads after the launch of the Motorola Droid last week,” she explained.

She added some surprising forecasts about the future of the smartphone: “We expect Android will continue to enjoy a robust growth in the following years. According to research of the Taipei-based Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (MIC), shipment volume of Android-powered Smartphones is forecast to reach 6.50 million units in 2009 and 31.80 million units in 2013, and shipment volume of overall Android-powered products is expected to reach 126 million units in 2013.”

Finally, she explained what her company offers to publishers: “[Either] integrating their titles into Aldiko Book Reader application [or] developing stand-alone book applications for their titles…If publishers and bookstores would like to learn more about our partnership solutions or would like to partner with us, they can email us.