Justin Timberlake Myspace Tease Triggers Smattering of 'Sexy Back' Headlines

Too obvious? Already been done to death?

In the wake of Justin Timberlake’s Monday tweet, exclusive THR chat and presentation to Myspace employees of the service’s imminent new iteration, only a few outlets went with a “Sexy Back” headline reference. This despite the fact that the promo video is, well, sexy.

The most interesting aspect of Myspace 5.0 revealed in the Hollywood Reporter interview by Timberlake and the Vanderhook brothers is a feature that would seem to trump the excitement of a fan being followed on Twitter by their favorite celeb:

They’ve included a feature where fans can be profiled on their favorite artists’ profile. “There’s a whole section of real estate carved out on the artist profiles promoting their top fans, and if I’m a fan of Justin, we know how excited people will get to actually have their face listed as a top fan,” Tim [Vanderhook] explains.

Media reaction to the new-look Myspace preview is evenly divided. As far as FishbowlLA is concerned, it’s never wise to bet against Timberlake. We think he’s going to make this work, eventually at a profit.