Ashley McCown on How the NBA Should Respond to Its Donald Sterling Problem

Now that everyone in the world has grown far too familiar with L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling‘s personal opinions, The Donald has weighed in to tell us that it’s all the girlfriend’s fault, and most of the team’s big-name sponsors have realized that they might just have somewhere else to be, the big question remains: what should the NBA do to address and minimize this controversy?

In this exclusive clip, Solomon McCown & Company president and friend of the site Ashley McCown took the opportunity to offer the league some of the most level-headed advice it will receive today:

In short, Sterling is toxic to every organization involved in the story.

Announcements of an official investigation aren’t going to cut it. But the NBA knows that already, and like McCown we expect more decisive statements and, more importantly, actions to follow later today and tomorrow.

It’s also quite clear that, as McCown says in the clip, the team and the league can no longer to follow the same strategy.

After the initial outrage dissipates, we’re most interested in seeing how the league plans to hold the owners–not the players or coaches–more responsible for their behavior moving forward.