Xtranormal, Now for Agency Music Supervisors

By Michael Musco 

Music plays a very important role and is a vital component that can make or break you. Whether it’s a TV spot, show or movie, a good music score can be strong enough to give a brand its image. Let’s use the movie above as an example.

Do you know that Spielberg originally turned down the now famous/infamous score from ‘Jaws‘ contributed by John Williams? Could you see or imagine what that film would be like with anything else? It made the film and was composed of a simple alternating pattern of two notes, E and F. Music also helped John Carpenter win over studios with Halloween, as a side note of useless information.


We notice that there’s an Xtranormal phenomenon going on presently and why not. It seems like a cheap way to vent out frustrations and relieve stress, in turn saving you mucho dinero on bills from the shrink.
