What Tiger’s Thinking Was

By Matt Van Hoven 

We were late to get this up because we were at the ANDYs, as you can see below. Here’s Tiger’s latest ad. Watch. Awe. Wait. The voice over is his father. Update: Who is deceased.

There are a number of points to bring up about this ad.


-His father Earl Woods, now deceased, was also fond of women that weren’t his wife.

-There’s something to the fact that Tiger made the same mistakes (or, similar ones) as his father. The Wall Street Journal reports that the voice-over was taken from interviews. What the context of his words were at the time is yet unknown. Looking into it.

-PRNewser grabbed a quote from Matt Adam, Director of Broadcast and Video Production at entertainment and sports PR agency Taylor, who said “It’s the best PR for him because it’s something that he’s not directly controlling. Every interview or press conference he’s held, it seems lie, that he’s been a puppet. This to me is the first thing that’s not really first person.”

-Campfire’s CC Chapman notes in the comments below, “I don’t think I’ve ever had an ad make me puke more than this one. Playing the dead father card and that stupid look on his face makes me want to go punch something.”

-Why not use his mother?

Deadspin adds, “Ok, so we’re all up to speed that Tiger did a bad thing. But what are we, the viewers, supposed to take away from this particular message? That Tiger’s dad would probably be cool with his son’s philandering if only he learned a valuable lesson from it? (How many people think Tiger learned anything beyond, “Spring for the extra Blackberry”?) That he knows he’s a bad little boy? Are we supposed to think Tiger Woods is the tragic hero now? That eerie expression just makes him look like a guy who shouldn’t be trusted.”

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