Two Ad School Grads Tackle Shitty Tourist Photos

By Erik Oster 

Two recent ad school graduates — Mimi Chan and Utsavi Jhaveri — were lucky enough to travel to many different cities during their time at Miami Ad School. During their travels they learned that all these cities had one thing in common: tourists taking shitty photos. So they decided to do something about.

Chan and Jhaveri traversed the streets of New York and San Francisco, looking for all the usual tourist destinations. They then found the best spots and positions for photographing the cities’ tourist landmarks, and spraypainted footprints at the photo destinations. Now, although tourists’ photography skills still may be questionable, they’ll at least have the vantage point to snap that photo of the Golden Gate Bridge. This will ensure increased photo quality from tourists in both these cities, hopefully making the team’s #noshittyphotos hashtag a reality and tourist-y Instagram feeds a tad better. Thanks guys, this is really a service to everyone.

