Today on the Menu: Future of Literature Depends on You

By Matt Van Hoven 

Today we interviewed Jürgen Fauth, a German ex-pat who hopes to save the literary short story through his site, Fictionaut. What’s it boil down to? The Atlantic, when it had a vibrant short story section, sans everything but the short stories. You may not think this is important, but pay attention because parsing out content like this is something you should be aware of.

As advertising becomes ever-niche-ier, it’ll be your jobs (media planners) to know where to be. And you, creatives, will need to understand the pains of people whose works are relegated to such faraway spaces on the Web. Your next client’s audience may be tucked away in the coed-naked-underwater-basketweaving (which sounds awesome) club of New Brisbane, so pay attention to this trend. When you enter the space, you’ll need to be even more savvy than back when you could get by with a few “Where the Wild Things Are” references.

More: Episodes of the Menu

