Today in Silly Agency Emails: An ‘Owl’ Goes Missing at Tribal SF

By Kiran Aditham 

Now, this is the breaking news we would really love to receive more often. Yes, a tipster alerted us to a crisis last week at Tribal DDB San Francisco’s office, which we really hope was averted. Anyhow, this was actually sent agency-wide. Read on:

“From: Front Desk <redacted>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 13:42:43 -0700
To: “SF.DDB All” <redacted>, “SF.TRIBAL All” <redacted>
Subject: Missing Paper Owl


There has been a report of a missing Paper-Mache Owl on the 6th floor.  If anyone knows of its whereabouts, please return the item to the front desk with no questions asked.

Thank you,

Front Desk”

It’s the “no questions asked” part that really reels us in. Anyhow, can anyone inform us if the pandemonium that likely occurred after this has ceased and the owl has been safely returned?

Update: Well, well, what have we here, our hooting friend named “Darius” even has his own Twitter page.

