Symphony Orchestra Plays to Younger Demographics

By Jordan Teicher 

It’s not a surprise that older people like classical music more than younger people. For the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra (OSB), that trend needed to be fixed. Since most of their audience is older than 65 years, the OSB started playing orchestral themes from blockbuster movies like Jaws, E.T., and Star Wars to show younger people that they had an unknown appreciation for classical music.

Rio de Janeiro agency Artplan also incorporated YouTube videos of film clips to add a visual presence to the experience. As a result, the OSB saw a 40% increase of young people in the audience. The case study gave a healthy boost to the box office draw as well: all of the orchestra’s concerts in the upcoming season are already sold out. Unfortunately, young people still like Kesha more than Wagner, but I don’t think there’s a lot that the OSB can do to remedy that. Credits after the jump.


Art Direction
Augusto Correia, Leonardo Marçal, Rodrigo Lopes
Augusto Correia, Leonardo Marçal, Rodrigo Lopes
Web Developer
Leonardo Marçal
Web Production
Augusto Correia, Leonardo Marçal
Agency Producer
Ana Ourique
Bruno Foscaldo
Executive Creative Director
Roberto Vilhena
Creative Director
Alessandra Sadock, Gustavo Tirre
Account Executive
Ana Deccache

Account Manager
Pedro Sharp
Tiago Pinheiro
Film Production
Kiko Lomba
Samara França
