Razorfish Holiday Wishes Fall Like Snowflakes

By Matt Van Hoven 

The digi-bots (we use the term lovingly!) over at Razorfish made a nifty little holiday Web site for all of us to love and cherish. At wish dot razorfish dot com, you can submit your wish and see it become a beautiful snowflake, not unlike the smiling eyes of young children everywhere.

Too bad they’ll be getting coal this year. Bwa ha ha ha OK we’ll stop now. Anyway, we like Razorfish, and their participation in this year’s dreadful holiday season. As bad as things are, a little cheer here and there is always welcome.


So, what are you doing to spread the love: Caroling, serving food to the homeless, knitting blankets for orphans, building microsites? Share your holiday cheer sharing efforts below.

Click continued to see a list of our favorite wishes from the Razorfish site.

More: “Inside Conde Nast’s ‘Ancillary’ CutBacks: Details & Razorfish

Name:Kris Kringle
Location: North Pole
Message: “This snowflake has ten seconds to live” (Ed’s note: Well, on an above-32 degree temp. day, yes)

Name: Jesus
Location: Heaven
Message: “Thx” (Ed’s note: you’re welcome)

Name: Your Name
Location: Your Location
Message: “uncontrollable, belly shaking laughter for all” (Ed’s note: that hurts)

Name: Eric
Location: NYC
Message: “1/20/09 Wish Answered” (Ed’s note: WTF does that mean? Easy terrorist-esque message)

Name: Jonathan
Location: Sydney
Message: “I wish I can fly” (Ed’s note: Likewise, dude)

Name: JTAM
Location: Austin
Message: “Don’t eat the yellow snow” (Ed’s note: Always good advice)

Name: Frank
Location: Brooklyn we go hard (that’s what it said…)
Message: “I wish for a cheese plate” (Ed’s note: Really? Cheese plate? Kinda lame)
