Nutritionist Up In Arms About Phelps Decision

By SpyWriter 

According to Brand Republic, nutritionists are all up in Michael Phelps business regarding his decision to appear on Frosted Flake and Corn Flake cereal boxes instead of the traditional Wheaties cereal box.

The Senior Advisor to the Children’s International Obesity Foundation, Douglas Castle, talked about the influence that it believes that athletes like Phelps have on children. Castle said the “CIOF believes that celebrities should think twice before choosing to endorse or encourage the consumption of any product which is inherently unhealthful to children, especially if that product is correlated to obesity, diabetes and a myriad of dangerous conditions.”


Oh, get over yourself. He won eight gold medals. The terms of his wins do not include getting up in the morning and making your kids breakfast. If your kid is a fatty, then don’t buy them sugary cereal at the store. That is a parent’s call to make. These people need to stop blaming all the problems in society and with our children on “role models” and learn to teach good behaviors to their children at home. Michael Phelps worked hard to get where he is. Why isn’t it assumed that children will take away that message? Let that man enjoy his medals and the millons of dollars that follow those victories. Go home and teach your own life lessons.
