Most Popular Stories on AgencySpy from 2013 (5-1)

By Kiran Aditham 

And here we are, the final day of 2013. With that, we give you our second and final installment of our most popular posts of the year, which, as we mentioned yesterday, weren’t all too surprising compared to previous years (save for the #1 item). Anyhow, we thank you one and all for reading, glancing at, commenting, loving and/or hating the site in 2013. We sincerely appreciate it. Have a happy new year and we will see you on the other side.  Now, on with the show.

5) Samuel L. Jackson Wants You to Get a Motherf***in’ Capital One Quicksilver Card



4) Grey Wins Gillette (Memo Included)









3) Yes, BBDO is Making Some ‘Significant’ Cuts












2) Kmart Unveils S**t–Sorry, ‘Ship’-Filled Spot


1) Blind Item: SF Management Supervisor Crowdsourcing Love
