Listen Live: Slate V’s Seth Stevenson on the Google TV Ad Buy

By Matt Van Hoven 

Today on the Menu we interview Slate V’s Seth Stevenson, who talked about a recent commercial ad buy his company made through GoogleTV that landed their Orwellian ad on late night TV &#151 running during Glenn Beck reruns. Click play on the blue widget below, we’re live 9:30 a.m. EST.

See how they did it, here.

Here’s Kiran’s recap of Stevenson’s maneuver: “Stevenson shows how you can infiltrate shows like Glenn Beck’s by building a specifically targeted media campaign from the comforts of home for as little as $100. Whether it’s an informal testimonial for Google TV Ads or not, Slate V’s self-produced spot–which drove people to a website–aired 7 times during overnight reruns of Beck’s show and a total of 54 times on four networks, netting 1.3 million total views in a week’s span. Total outlay? $1,300.”


More:Slate V’s Google Ad Experiment Results in Multiple Fox News Airings
