Let the Great World Record Shower Wars Begin

By Bob Marshall 

Back in early June, BBDO San Francisco released a video of the world’s most populated shower session for got2b hair products, with 167 people joining together for a glow stick shower rave at Sasquatch Music Festival in Washington.

In what could be seen as (and may actually be) a direct challenge to BBDO and got2b, BBH London and Lynx (as Axe is called in the UK) is claiming a world record for the biggest shower ever. From the above video, it seems that the shower came together when one studly guy started a solo outdoor shower session, which attracted hundreds of slow-motion breasts to join him. But, if you look closely at the final 152 beachgoers lathering up, you’ll notice a more than a couple bros sneaked their way into a shower spot, probably camouflaging themselves within the girl stampede.


So, who are we supposed to believe holds the world record for the biggest single shower population? Well, Guinness is currently only honoring the record for the world’s largest shower by area, not by number of people. For now, we’ll just assume that neither shower product actually set a world record.
