Great Ad Minds Dress Alike in ‘Partnerganger’

By Bob Marshall 

In agencies, the ol’ buddy system has its benefits. From agency head honchos to creative director teams to the traditional copywriter/art director duo, working in close quarters with someone ensures that strategies and ideas meld together in a cohesive who. Of course, sharing a creative brain with someone else can have different, unexpected consequences.

TBWA/Chiat/Day art director Lacey Waterman is documenting an interesting phenomenon occurring in agencies across the globe. Yes, agency partners are going so far as dressing in a similar fashion, and Waterman is compiling photos of these instances, done purposefully or coincidentally, on her Tumblr, “Partnerganger.” Above, you’ll see that McCann Erikson’s Linus Karlsson and Andreas Dahlqvist opt for a never-out-of-style black sweater/rolled-sleeved dress shirt combo, and my, do those gentleman look dashing!


See what happens when “TWINSIES!” goes wrong here. Really, did they call each other before work to coordinate their wardrobes or what?
