Google Thinks You Suck

By SuperSpy 

Google execs recently bitched and moaned about the poor performance on ads on social networking site. When discussing this topic, Valleywag nicely pointed out the recent WSJ article discussing the hit Microsoft is taking on their recent purchase into Facebook and the general dilemma of how to make ads work on social networking sites. Google’s Derek Kuhl recently told a blamed ad agencies, as the source for all the trouble.

“Large agencies are struggling with how to buy large packages,” Kuhl said, “Some opportunities need to be moved on in six days. A client meeting once a quarter doesn’t work.”

Well, Derek. We’ve got some bad news for you – ad agencies are slow, notoriously slow. Everyone just has to sign off. Everyone’s got their fingers in the pudding. However, and often, the speed issue is not fault. Clients are even slower than the shops with their waffling or hesitant CMO. So, back off buddy.


Yet, could the creative be better? Yes, yes and hell, yes. Derek, want to point a finger? Point the finger at the creative. Right now on our Facebook page is the ad below. We had to really search that mother out. It was in the middle of our news feed, beneath our growing flower and our pal’s posted links, too. Lost in the shuffle is an underestimate. Fine. It’s supposed to “blend in,” but we’d call this a step to far. And then the boring ass copy… You’ve lost us at “Sisters fight.”

If you’re going to do it up on Facebook, do it with some authenticity, know the consumer you’re trying to reach and be engaging, charming, fun, interactive. You know – the stuff you strive to achieve on TV. One of the best Facebook campaigns was Reebok’s. Despite the real world “Run Easy” campaign being awful, their Facebook strategy was darn good. The blog Hyperempowered did a great job of explaining why when it first launched, so take it away Marc Schiller…
