Facebook Bra Color Campaign Yields Many Results, Other Cancers Jealous

By Matt Van Hoven 

We’re still not perfectly clear on who started the Facebook meme last week that had women posting the color of their bras in status updates. But it caught on and the whole world is now telling the rest of the world the color of their undernanners. Great. Here’s a bit of the fallout.

&#151 Women are pissed, kinda, mostly because sexploitation is now such a common way to attract attention to breast cancer and it’s not fair to people with less attractive ovarian cancer.


&#151 Some people tried to bamboozle Facebookers into thinking the campaign was a fraud and instead of posting bra color they should post images of their breasts. It didn’t work.

&#151 The Susan G. Komen Foundation, which claims to have no affiliation to the movement (well, they didn’t start it anyway) got a bunch of Facebook friends from it.

Compared to other attempts at breast cancer awareness (NSFW!), this one is a bit questionable. Does awareness lead to action? What good is it for millions of people to be thinking about breast cancer?

And does ‘Woman Up’ have a point that a successful campaign for breast cancer a harder time for women with ovarian cancer? It’s easy to be all “one problem at a time” when you’re sans malignancy, but for some women, campaigns like this probably feel like a punch to the ovaries.

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